September 1st musings

Call me crazy but, this morning, I jumped out of bed excited to turn the page on the calendar to September!
Regardless of how many years have passed since my own school days, September continues to feel like the start of the new year to me. I love being in stores and looking at all the school supplies and can’t resist picking up a few new products for my own use!
I remember Labour Day weekends of long ago when my three kids would be preparing for a new school year – excitement mingled with some angst about what lay ahead – would they like their new teachers? Would they be in the same classes as their friends? What should they pack for school lunches? What extracurricular activities would they choose? While they were getting their backpacks ready and their first day of school clothes picked out, I would be settled in front of the television watching the Jerry Lewis telethon! Who else watched the telethon?!
A part of me hates to see summer drawing to a close but a bigger part of me loves the fall and the promise September offers. I find myself setting new goals, wanting to achieve more both personally and professionally.
I am blessed to be doing work that I love – what a gift! When I was working at Sheridan College, I didn’t give a lot of thought to what I might do when I left there. However, it was only a few days after leaving Sheridan at the end of December 2017 that I established Kaleidoscope Consulting. I had no idea at the time how the business might unfold but opportunities continue to present themselves. Coupled with my volunteer work, I find myself grateful and fulfilled.
Regardless, I want to achieve more this coming year. Don't they call that 'leveling up'?! I want to try new things, take more risks, open myself up to different and novel opportunities. Richard Branson has been quoted as saying that, if you are asked to do something and aren’t sure how, say yes anyway and then figure it out! Stepping outside your comfort zone might feel a bit intimidating but it is also exciting!
What are your plans for the coming year ?